UM Group

What we do

Connecting global businesses with skilled tech engineers and designers in Nigeria.

We have a large network of experienced talent, present in various sectors of the tech industry and ready to take up placements

Contract Talent

With contract talent recruitment, we help find and place individuals who are hired on a temporary or project-based basis, rather than as full-time employees. These individuals, also known as contract workers or freelancers, are typically hired to work on specific projects or for specific periods of time.

Permanent Hires

We can help you hire skilled tech talent on a full-time, ongoing basis, rather than on a temporary or project-based basis. These individuals are typically hired to work for you indefinitely, and are entitled to the same benefits and protections as other full-time employees, such as vacation time, sick leave, and retirement plans.


At times, you might need a specialized autonomous team to execute a project. We can help execute such projects end to end by building up specialized inhouse teams. A good example is startups building an MVP without an in-house team.

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